Monday, February 7, 2011

No exercise for a while

So, I have been sick for a few days.  I first thought it was a cold, but this morning, I had some difficulty breathing, so it may be slipping into pneumonia again.  That being said, I am not going to be out walking for a while.  It is too cold and hurts my lungs.  I may try my dvd, but have to be careful and not overdo and get tired.  I have to be able to get to work.  Anyway, I will be watching my eating like a hawk.  I have to compensate somewhere and that is the only place. 

Hope everyone's day is great.


  1. Good for you, hawkeye!!! Keep it up-stay strong!

    Polar's Mom

  2. Look after yourself, losing weight doesn't mean you need to work through illness, pneumonia is and keep warm. Take care
