Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hello All, Something is up with my blog.  I am having problems trying to comment on your posts.  It says I am not logged in, and I am.  Not sure what the deal is.

In the meantime, all my best wishes to all of you.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.  Love Carla


  1. That's been happening to me a lot lately also! I log in, type in a comment, it asks me to log in, I do it again, over and over. I wonder if this one will work?

  2. Feel free to email anytime, Carla. I always LOVE to see messages from you! Hope you're doing well!

  3. It happened to me too...I was going through Blogger withdrawal...I could not get on, it would not let me sign in...did some research and you have to clear your cache...

    it worked for me, I hope it works for you guys...

    Carla what program did you use to do your B4 and after pictures on your side bar... I love that...
    Carla I hope the family situation gets better...

  4. I was having the same problem all day yesterday and again this morning. I finally switched browsers and everything was fine. But I think I will try Maria's suggestion so I can go back to my usual browser.

    Have a great weekend. I hope that things are getting less stressful for you and your family. I'm thinking of you & praying too.

  5. Just "popping" in to say Hello - hope that your weekend will be good!!!!

